Park Lane Primary

School Council

As part of our work around British Values and Democracy, the children vote each year for their school council members. 

All children are invited to take part and they prepare a speech to give to the class as to what they would bring to the role. They link this speech to the qualities and values they have and how this supports this will help their classmates if they were to be elected.

There is a school council on the infant and the junior sites who work together to improve the quality of our school and our local area. 

If our children have an idea, a worry or a possible improvement that they think the school should consider,  they are encourages to speak to their class school council members. 

School Council Teacher Representatives- 

Infants- Ms Brown

Juniors- Miss Phillips

School Council Class Representatives-

Year Group Names
Reception Will be voted for after half term :) 
Year 1 Chester, Odette, Sophia, Eli
Year 2 Noah, Willow, Lovelle, Adam
Year 3 Charlie, Summer H, Lucas, Elly
Year 4

Jesse, Nora, Avishi, Isaac

Year 5 Presley, Lilly O, Roman, Alice
Year 6 Charlie G, Dexter W, Beth, Fatima

Click here to visit our school Facebook page where you can see all the amazing things our school council get up to!